
Fiery Lucifer

Border terrier
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Border Terrier
The original home of this breed is Borderland, the area on the border of England and Scotland. It has common ancestors with some other breeds of terriers. It has been used for hunting fox and other varmint since the beginning. Besides the hardiness, quickness and sharpness on varmint there was required unusual tolerance to other dogs, because Border Terriers used to be kept and used to work in packs of different hunting dogs.
Akenside Xtra
Foxwyn Rum Punch CH.Lyndhay Ringmaster CH.Dazzle em Lyndhay CH.Lynhay Daz
Otterkin Blue Ribbon at Basvale
Brumberhill Briar Rose CH.Brannigan of Brumberhill

CH.Brumberhill Bittersweet

Foxwyn Copy Cat Foxwyn Double Trouble

CH. Lynsett Trouble Shooter

Foxwyn Day Dreamer

Foxwyn Perfect Nonsense

CH. Orenberg Nightfreight

CH. Foxwyn First Choice

Akenside Ellengowan Mollie

CH. Akenside Vanish

CH. Lyndhay Ringmaster

CH. Dazzle em Lyndhay

Brumberhill Briar Rose

Akenside Praline

Akenside Nightime

Akenside Nonsense

Akenside Sparkle

Quaint Callant with Akenside

CH. Holmston Freelancer

Akenside Nettle

Akenside Nonsense

CH. Beenaben Bertie

Jollygood at Akenside

